At the Preston Road church, we believe that each of our children is in the process of being transformed to become more like Jesus and that this change is an incredible adventure for the children and their families.
Our desire is to partner with parents to make a powerful impression on the children about the awesome, incredible God that we serve. It is our belief that by combining the influence of the church and the family that we have a greater opportunity to impact the faith of our children.
Our ministry to our children and their families is designed upon the belief that each child needs:
- A Really BIG God
- Every Child Needs Someone Else Who Believes What They Believe
- Another Voice That Says What Their Parents Would Say
- Parents That Know Where They Are At Spiritually
- Out Of This World Wisdom to Make Wise Choices
We invite you and your children to join us this coming Sunday and join us on our wonderful Adventure. If you would like more information about Preston Road Children’s Ministry or if you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact the NextGen team.